Dienstag, 3. Juli 2007

dog day

Well well well, I went out yesterday, as I wrote, and came home at 2 in the morning.
Slept 5 or 6 hours, and worked the whole day.
I did not work well today, I was just to tired, and I went to meet Macris, a friend of mine later. We had some beers, went to eat some nice asian food, and talked a bit.

At home, I just called my mom, and later my brother, and just talked about me, basicly because I knew that there was no message from Franziska, the beautyful girl I fell for, and I just wanted to keep my mind occupied.

Now I just went to the internet, checked, saw that there was no mail, and now I just write out of shere frustration in this blog.

Will go to bed soon, and maybe write something useful in the morning!

Peace out!

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